Golliwogg.co.uk - An independent guide to Golliwogs


An independent guide to golliwogs, including golliwogg history, golly dolls, gollie books, and gollywog collectables

Golliwog Clubs & Forums

The I.G.C.C. is devoted to those who collect the Golly and related items. The Club was co-founded in 1995, (the year Golly officially became an antique), by Juliet Savage and Terri Kovacs, with the support of Beth Savino and a few others who have a 'love affair' with anything having to do with the Golly.Membership in the Club (worldwide) is open to any person interested in the Golly. USA membership $25.00 yearly Canadian membership $30.00 yearly (US Funds Please) Overseas membership $35.00 yearly (US Funds Please) Visa or Master Card credit cards accepted. Checks in US Funds made payable to "Jan Ross" and mailed to Gollyfest & IGCC, PO Box 1634, Mill Valley, CA 94942-1634 USA.

Membership in the I.G.C.C. includes:

  • Subscription to the quarterly I.G.C.C. News
  • 10% Discount on items purchased through the I.G.C.C. (special member prices)
  • Opportunity to purchase Golly items made exclusively for the I.G.C.C
  • Membership Roster - A complete listing of I.G.C.C. Members
  • Advertising space (at a nominal rate) for Golly items you may have for sale

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